Law and Policy of Autonomous Vehicles in the UAE

As autonomous vehicles rapidly shape the future of the automobile industry, they present technological advantages such as being greener, cheaper, and more efficient than traditional vehicles. However, a major challenge to their deployment is the lack of a clear regulatory framework. Globally, nations are working to establish or adapt existing laws to regulate this emerging technology. This research project focuses on examining the current UAE legislations, legal principles, and concepts to assess their adequacy in governing the deployment of autonomous vehicles. If existing laws are found to be insufficient, the project will develop a comprehensive regulatory framework to address critical issues such as safety standards, privacy, insurance, and liability, ensuring a well-governed introduction of autonomous vehicles in the UAE.
Project Team:
Principal Investigator (PI):
- Dr. Mohammed Rababa
- Dr. Saad Amin
- Dr. Husameldin Mukhtar
- Prof. Hussain Al-Ahmad
- Dr. Shuq Shweki
Industry Collaborators:
- Abdullah Bin Ghaleb, General Department of Traffic, Dubai Police
- Dr. Essa Basaeed, General Department of Artificial Intelligence, Dubai Police
External Advisors and Collaborators:
- Prof. Burkhard Schafer, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Shweky S.H., Nasiruddeen Muhammad N.M., Eman Abu Shabab E., Saad Amin S., Hussain Al-Ahmad H., Mukhtar H., Mohammad Rababa M., Burkhard Schafer B., Users’ Perception of Data Privacy in Self-Driving Vehicles in Dubai, SAE Technical Papers, 2023,
- Hussein S, Muhammad N, Al-Ahmad H, Mukhtar H, Rababa M, Amin S, Afsari K, Schafer B. Autonomous Vehicles Regulations: Challenges and Opportunities. Kurdish Studies, 11(2):5757-72, 2023,