Autonomous Wireless Charging

The Wireless and Intelligent Systems Research Group aims at developing intelligent mobility solutions enabled by Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. As a pilot project, we propose the development of a wireless charging vehicle capable of autonomous navigation to other vehicles with depleted batteries to perform wireless proximity charging. The charging can be performed for stationary vehicles with completely depleted batteries or while in motion for vehicle with partially depleted batteries. At University of Dubai, we have a wireless charging kit and a mobile robot / unmanned ground vehicle. We propose integrating the wireless charging kit with the mobile robot to build a wireless charging vehicle. The developed system will have an operation dispatching entity to receive and order charging requests via V2X connectivity. We aim to deploy the proposed solution as a minimum viable product (MVP) at UD for autonomous persistent patrolling or inter-campus long range delivery.

Empowering Innovation: Fostering Research Excellence at University of Dubai

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